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Don't You Just Hate In When........

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cupid04 | 16:22 Tue 13th Aug 2013 | ChatterBank
52 Answers
Join a thread and you're invisible. I bet i know what's gonna happen next!


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Arghhhh...Cupid has dumped Ed and passed him on to me...God help him...;-)
"gnesss he's yours if you want. I got peeved cos I got overlooked in R&S. which is quite unusual. They usually ambush me!"

Do you mean my thread? I responded to you, maybe you missed it?
don't do it, it'll end in tears

and splinters
I've had worse offers!
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Oops, just going tohave a look! I'll BE BACK!
I can't keep up with you lot.
Cupid, an answer from the ED, you are honoured!
Glory Be, must have had some really awful offers in your time then.... either that or you're braver than we thought...☺
She'll be unbearable now, Psyb..x
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I must be dim because I can't see your answer to me unless it's the removed one!
When they was picking the ABers quiz team and you said, " I'm curtseying and waving at the same time, Can you see me ?" Unbeatable.
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Us women can multi-task jollyroger66!

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Don't You Just Hate In When........

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