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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:42 Thu 05th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
93 Answers
Thursday. We are told that today is the last day of sunshine for a while. A few days of rain then. Can't complain can we!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Sweetpea - sometimes. Noticed last night that the ceiling could do with a coat of emulsion..............
Have a good one, Boaty, (lucky bugger having lunch at the TA - cheese and pickle butties for me!)
Sweetcheeks, I s'pose that's better than noticing the dust bunny in the corner of the carpet :-D
Take care Boaty, let us know tomorrow wot you had for lunch!! xx
Sweetpea - noooo - he'll have us bloody drooling again.............

Time to make a move - see you all tomorrow, bright and breezy. Whatever you are up to, stay safe
Take care sweetcheeks xx

Must wriggle with the pooch too, so hope everyone has a lovely Thursday xxxx
yes albs I got there at 9.30am and eventually handed over all the papers and they sent me out of the building to photocopy everything too, this was 1.30pm then I had to go back at 4pm to queue up one again to get that all important letter that states I have their permission to carry the ashes into their country, don't ask how much they charged for it, it will make your eyes water. I cursed poor CS a few times whilst I waited.
Boaty sounds like you had a perfect day yesterday, that's nice.
Hi all - late to the block this morning - possibly the last time I am on here for a few days as I leave early tomorrow morning, first stop Portsmouth to visit the Mary Rose. Being with friends over the weekend and family on Monday night, it may well be six days. I will try and get on fleetingly so in the morning if I am up early enough to spend 10 minutes of GMEB before I leave.

Looks good here today - for the moment. Hope yours is a bright day, at least in deed if not the weather.
good morning folks. sorry to be late today.

bit of a hi and bye today as too much not to do. sil back in hosp yesterday pm. visitors arriving and garden not yet finished pruning.

hope you are all well. xx to all bye,
DTC hope all goes well and you really have a great time, enjoy.

Morning all, back early today by usual standards, N/Kent overcast-ish, but nice and warm, can't hang around too long off to Doc's to see if I've still got a pulse, or something similar.
Have a great day all.
Quick hi..I'm not deid...way up in far north of Scotland phone signal or WiFi...only intermittent signal on nephews smart phone...have been able to peek in before losing his signal too....have come closer to civilisation near wick....Caithness....and have nicked his phone to post while I can before heading back to middle of nowhere between here and thurso...very quiet...sheep hills water and not much else......Will be home next weekend....have to go..wee brat wants his phone back....cheek of it ! to all xxxx
Phew....We can call the search party off then Minty xxx

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