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In My Boredom

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dizmouk2009 | 16:57 Fri 20th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
In my boredom I've just knocked up this little crazy guy:

The quality of my photography clearly isn't as good as my ability to weld. P.S ignore the feet, the welds are completely finished and I ended up burning myself.

Let me know what you think.


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It sounds like a catch 22 to me, diz.
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tonyav: I've had to close both businesses down and just mess about in my own time. Which is why I can't sell Pete because sods law I'd get reported for having sold a sculpture that I did in my spare time as a hobby. Which I agree is right as I'd be making money and claiming benefit. What is wrong is that if I declare to the job centre that I produced Pete and was going to try and sell 'him' they would make me fill in how many hours I spent on 'him' and deduct it from my benefits.

The problem with the system here is that it discourages people to be self employed whilst on benefits. Why would I want to put all my time and effort trying to build a name for myself as an artists/welder when I can job search and claim JSA?
The system is wrong, diz. Well it's certainly not helping you is it.
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My mum put well over £25,000 into Rhapsody In Steel. She sold her Aston Martin to fund the company. I couldn't put any money so I put the time in. Then you're constantly battling with the job centre whilst trying to find a paid job at the same time.

If I'm looking for work and still attending interviews and sign on days then why shouldn't I be able to build things and try and sell them. If I get a sale I'd declare it to the job centre and wouldn't mind not getting a certain amount of benefit. Every piece sold would put my name and work out there.

I really am going to bed now. Night mate.
Diz, don't worry about the email - we can catch up soon. You have a fair battle on your hands it seems, everywhere you look sometimes there are new barriers thrown up.
G'night diz, tomorrows a new day.
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Night Mamya, speak to you tomorrow hopefully x
A friend of mine was on Job Seekers allowance and had an idea to go self employed, she applied for Enterprise allowance, perhaps just a thought for you.

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pussnboots: Thanks for the link, I will look into it. I'm a little confused to the meaning of the word 'trading' in relation to the following sentence "Once a participant has had their business plan approved, ended their benefit claim and started trading, they will be able to access financial support."

Does it mean actually having sold the first piece of work or from opening the company?

If it means from selling the first piece of work I already have a problem as I haven't got anything made yet. If I go self employed and start building stuff I will have to declare it which will result in my loss in benefit anyway. I unfortuanatly cannot afford to lose any benefit at any point as I've got bills to pay.

Catch 22 again. I can see how this would work if I was doing a trade like gardening, brick laying or plumbing because I'd be earning an income fairly quickly.

Rhapsody In Steel took 8 months before it sold its first piece and during that period wasn't allowed to claim benefits. Luckily at the time my mum could support me and I had no debt.

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