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Psybbo | 16:51 Thu 26th Sep 2013 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Why Suzanne Moore (guardian) suggests Gordon Brown and Damian McBride had a 'sauvignon government'?


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Harold Wilson was more a pint of beer Prime Minister. Blair was more of a Champaign Socialist. Brown was somewhere in-between, a red winer.
17:05 Thu 26th Sep 2013

maybe she is just having a whine (wine)
Sour grapes?
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Thinks, should have put this in Jokes!
Harold Wilson was more a pint of beer Prime Minister.

Blair was more of a Champaign Socialist.

Brown was somewhere in-between, a red winer.
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Thank you Gromit
Both were of white heritage?

With Thatcher and Bernard Ingrams, you could have argued he was Burgundian given the colour of his cheeks after wining all those journos. Just as well Diane Abbot didn't get the Labour top job, otherwise it would have been a 'vin foutu' oas Moore's descriptor.
psybbo, I had to google 'sauvignon' and I still don't know what you're on about. xx
as not oas.....
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Cupid, I didn't understand it either, which is why I asked the question but thank you all for the replies xx
A real plonker then.
oi! ^^

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