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Diy Sos

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Zacs-Master | 21:10 Tue 08th Oct 2013 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
Don't some people get dealt some bad cards? Tissues out.


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Watching pride of Britain..enough tissue deployed already !!
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Pits things in perspective eh Minty.
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Sure does zac !
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One of the best ever.
Wasn't their older child a lovely little boy? they should be proud the way he helped out & didn't want anything for himself.
A real tear jerker, what a lovely family.
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Yes, their eldest son was very grown up and polite.
Much as I love this show and all that they do, but I can't help thinking that they must get hundreds of applicants in similar circumstances asking for help.

Surely the government should help out these families instead of them writing to TV shows asking for help?

Considering how much money is sent abroad for foreign aid these shows should piss people off rather than make good viewing figures?

Sorry Zacs not having having a dig at you, just a rant!
Don't be silly Elvis. This is a British family.

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Diy Sos

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