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Clock, jewellery and gold factory.
19:33 Sat 09th Nov 2013
can't view it with logging in
If it's a photo, Stewey, please save it to your computer, upload it to Tinypic and post a link here.
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That's strange, because when I click on it in my post I can see it.
I expect you're still logged in Stewey
Is that Harry's war record?
You'll have to lift it from that site or pay for us all to join Stew....
OFFER...Flights from €11
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Really weird. I've logged out of the site I got I from, and I can still see it on here. Anyway, it says "fabrique horlogerie bijouterie orfevrerie."
Question Author
Oops, and one final word: "plojoux".
Clock, jewellery and gold factory.
Plojoux is a family name, I believe.
Question Author
Thank you, jeffa. Did you get that from what I originally posted, or from my typed version?
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Question Author
Thanks, methyl, I did come across those posts; however, I wanted an actual translation of the wording that was in another post...So I came here, where I know there are all kinds of helpful people That is a great site for anyone interested in clocks and watches. There is a British equivalent, but I can't think of the name right now.
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