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I've Heard Of Nailing Your Colours To The Mast, But This...

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sandyRoe | 23:42 Mon 11th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
He must be feeling really sore about something.


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just doing the nailing would seem to involve awkward contortions.
Owww ...and I'm female !
I had to tell the guys at work about this - such a strange thing to do.

I posted it over the weekend but didn't understand the one reply that I got.
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Looks as though 'performance artist' in a euphemism here for, Needs help.
On my link there seems to be a picture of the guy sitting in the street.

that has to hurt...... a wee bit !!!
looks a bit parky out there, wolf, Moscow in late autumn, and perhaps the cold numbs the pain a little. But I can't see any horrified tourists in the photo.
It took balls to do that.
How do you hammer a nail into solid ground - ever practical me.
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It seems to be a cobbled area. He'd have to look for the cracks.
Nah ..... according to the article it was 'outside Red Square'. Tarmac.
Cracks, snigger.....
So where do you think the nails went through? The meat, the two veg or just the Balzac?
That's not 'outside Red Square. That is Red Square - cobbles and all - so to speak.
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If he'd any sense, which I doubt, he'd have aimed the nail at the skin.
I realize that he's supposed to to be an artist, but if he has a "real" job I'd bet that he gets the sac because of all the pubicity that has come to a head regarding his prostation against the government...OK, I'll get me hat and leave.

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