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Gormless Tourists

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mrs_overall | 16:03 Sun 17th Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
This lunchtime I went out to run a few errands. I had a letter to post and briefly parked my car by a post box. Mine was the only car in the street and standing by it was a family of tourists (backpacks, cagoules, southern accents, pointing at things etc). I got back in my car, started the engine, indicated, and just as I started to pull out, the whole family stepped into the road in front of my car. I actually clipped the father with my nearside wing. Let me remind you again, I was the only car in the street! I jumped out and gave them a mouthful and fortunately for them the father had the good grace to apologise and then said "We are here on holiday, we wouldn't have done that at home."


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This dozy cow ran me over whilst going the wrong way on the one way system. Luckily, I'd had a few pints so it didn't do much damage.
Then to cap it all off she waggled her flumping finger at me before proceeding merrily on her (wrong) way.
You said it Mrs O 'southerners!'
Wasn't Gness and chaperone was it?
Couldn't have been, shoota. Mrs overkill say's there was no damage to her car !.
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Don't Northerners drive on the right?
Sometimes, pixie !
Northerners are always right....
On,y on Tuesday.
Right on, shoota.
Well I'm never going back there again, the natives are distinctly unfriendly

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