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Gatwick Airport

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TWR | 18:13 Sun 08th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Just watched a program regards Gatwick, a new ms asking his understudy why the person in one of the shops was not talking to the customers, this way they would persuade people to bye, what a load of bull sht, I dont know about you, if staff start asking me " Can I Help" straight out, WHY? If I need help I will ask, can this person understand that?


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what's an ms. do you mean (good)bye. is whatever you are trying to say specific to Gatwick airport.
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Shockingly enough, a lot of people get to the airport early to spend money. The staff in the shops are trained to take it off them.
how can ms mean manager.
It is a fine art of the shop assistant knowing when and how to approach customers.

Airport shops are particularly tricky as you will have many people killing time and browsing with absolutely no intention of making a purchase. There will be others who are in desperate need of a gift of thanks following their trip and do need help.

I have mixed feelings about being approached in a shop, I hate being pounced on but do not like being completely ignored. I do think that canny shop assistants understand the body language of the clientele and know how to approach.
As someone who has worked in Retail, I can tell you that I was taught to use the `10 second rule' - if a customer is on your department, then you are supposed to (At least) speak to them within 10 seconds, even if it's just a "Hello." When I was moved up to the Footwear department I used to greet customers who had just come up the stairs, or got out of the lift, even though I knew that they'd been greeted downstairs. We were also taught to ask if the customer needed any help after we'd greeted them - it was more to let them know that we were there (And that we'd acknowledged their presence in the shop) if they needed any help.

I could tell by looking at someone whether or not they stood a cat-in-Hell's chance of finding what they'd come into the store for. Some people had a look in their eyes of `I'm completely out of my depth in here'.
I don`t mind the odd "Can I help you" but I hate it in American shops where you can`t walk in the door without the phoney "Hi, how are you today" and constant barage of staff asking the same thing. And in the Far East, they follow you around the shop. It drives me nuts.
Maybe in the far East they're wary of shoplifters? :-)
I don`t think it`s that Sandy. It`s a cultural thing. They think that they should be there for every little whim or query the customer might have and if they are not, it`s seen as not doing their job properly.
I know. I was just joking. I guess they think if a customer isn't attended to they might take it as a loss of face.
Exactly. I remember testing the theory in a restaurant in Langkawi with a pal. We had a wine bottle in a bucket of ice beside us and as soon as we moved an arm towards it by even a few inches, the staff were there like a shot to pour it for us. One of them said "You`re doing our job" so we decided to leave them to it.
Perhaps not all shoppers are as rude as you TWR !
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If I need help Mick I will ask, I do not like to be hampered when I shop, its sounds like you do.
I don't like being pestered by assistants, either, TWR - I like to look for myself. I don't think Gatwick's different to anywhere else. You should try going into Claire's Accessories - I think they suspect everyone is a potential shoplifter.
I don't object to being asked "can I help" but I don't like to be pestered.
Yet, when I go into PC World no one seems to want to help even though the place is absolutely swarming with staff, usually more staff than customers.
TWR....When shopping wear lace up lace undone. When the assistant asks if they can help you ask them to kindly tie your shoe lace for you...It will make you smile but you'll be left alone....especially if your flies are open too......☺☺
Greeting customers makes them less likely to shoplift
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I'll remember that Gness xx

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