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Will Someone Feel Sorry For Me Pls ?

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Dee Sa | 20:17 Fri 31st Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
during the last two weeks, the element in the oven has packed up, the washing machine ditto, then my electric toothbrush and now my mobile phone, can it get any worse ? oh yes I cannot win a thing on the lottery, euro lottery or bingo and the vet bills these past few weeks are coming up to mega bucks. Should I just end it all now ? Its being so cheerful that keeps me going !


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sorry I forgot to buy a ticket for tonight.
Poor Minnie isn't good, she has gone down two collar sizes in week you can see her bones and this is a dog who could eat for England before, she has a swollen belly were she has a tumour, vet said the kindest thing to do is operate and if he can save her he will, but if the tumour is cancerous he will ring and ask permission not to wake her which is the kindest thing to do in those circumstances, he wanted to do this on Tuesday but I have opted for Thurs so I can have two more days with her & instead of going home and waiting for the call I am going to wait at the vets so if it comes to it I comes to it I can say goodbye.
Cant believe this time last year I had two healthy dogs and a husband and by next week just me and Violet Elizabeth Bott [cat] and she is 14.
I think its the weather making me so miserable and sorry for myself. I must be more cheerful, I must be more cheerful.
Oh Dee - the machinery breaking down is just the last straw then..... Big hugs. You're doing the right thing for Minnie, desperately hard though it is. It's the worst thing about being a pet owner. Thinking of you (()).
... and sometimes, honest, it's OK to be low at times like this - we understand.
So sorry, it's the pits. Been thinking of you both.
The weather isn't helping anybodies woes. I just want to curl up and sleep all the time, which really isn't me. Just remember, when you're at rock bottom,
The only way is up, baby......
sorry for feeling despondent, but you can live without a mobile phone electric toothbrush washing machine get the cooker sorted forget the lottery and you will have enough for pet food, your health is your wealth!
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a big thank you everyone xxx dee xxxx
Dear Dee I am sending you all the hugs I can
I truly hope I win tonight mostly to help you
Dee, really sorry, you have lost so much and all these problems you could well do without, especially your beloved dog. I do hope things improve in this new year. Love and hugs xxx
I am the same as you dee, got made redundant, glow plugs in car went, water bed had a hole in it, cat got a grass blade stuck up his nose, 500 quid and rising, electric bill is 300 quid, car bill is 250 quid, fridge has packed up and decided to become a frezer, all on 70 quid jsa,
O and the door catch has gone on the oven, but if I ram a chair against the door I have worked out that I can get the seal to stick, so that can waite,.
Hiya Dee, hope you slept well? Bright brand new day, and start to a new month. Not long now untill all the spring flowers are out. Keep in mind the fantastic life you have given her and days of fun you have had with little minnie this week. All the times she has made you smile and come in for a cuddle to say thank you for being my mum.
You have I'm sure done everything to make her life the best, and whatever happens on Thursday at the vets is now up to minnie. If she needs to sleep she will sleep, and she will be able to rest, but if she has the chance to come back home for a few more licks, strokes and cuddles, then that will be fantastic. I'm sure she has been of great comfort to you over the last few years, and I'm sure if she could talk she would say Thank You over and over again.
I can't tell you how sorry I am for everything you have lost, and hope you perhaps have a friend or relative close by to help you through this week.
if you ever need to 'vent off', just hop onto chatterbank, nobody minds and you never know, we might be able to help to some degree.
All the very best Dee, and big strokes to minnie xxx
Ah...peas lovely you put that.....Dee we are all here for
Would you like to have the addition of my truck with no heat? :) just thought I'd make the offer to you...oh yeah, it also has a major oil leak, needs four new tires, a front end alignment, the windshield washer fluid will no longer work on it and Oh... We took a title loan out on it to catch up on rent because my husband lost his job...which we still got evicted, and now they are saying its about to be repossessed and we only owe $600 on It (an old 1997 Chevy BlS10 Blazer mind you) So...How about we simply just agree on an even trade for a fair share of your cheerfulness? Deal? :) Yours don't sound too bad now does it? lmosfao
There are ups and downs in life, Dee; at the moment, it's obviously a wee bit down. Things will improve......and the weather doesn't help either! At least we are all here for you to help you through these choppy waters.
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thank you all for being so nice to me, your words and kind thoughts are very reassuring believe me, I am okay today and when I wrote on here yesterday I was not long back from the vets. Today I am at home with the crosswords and Minnie is at my feet fast asleep. Tomorrow I put my volunteer's hat on and I help at The Broadway Theatre Barking, its cinema afternoon and the film is "Some Like It Hot". how about Minnie u ask ? my bro-in-law will stay with her, we try not to leave her on her own.

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