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Is This A Bit Strange Or What?

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RATTER15 | 16:37 Sat 01st Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
A new wallet or maybe a new handbag?


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Well it's not the most pleasant thing I could imagine being developed.

Who buys their 'sacs'..............maybe Ed Balls would fancy buying one for Yvette?
What kind of people buy them? Probably the same kind of people that bought lampshades made out of human skin during/after the holocaust. ie Sickos
Don't get me started on her!!
its disgusting, after all who donates skin, and if it's off the skin of a dead person, who donates the body. i can't see this as being right at all
My suspicion would be wealthy Chinese, Japanese or even Russian clientele... different values to life at large
Id have one. A nice leather wallet would be cool!

that is vile on every level
properly depilated first, though, B00. I suppose ideally you'd get Brazilian ones... but these seem to come from the UAE
Makes sense, jno. Bodies from Qatar with the Wolrd Cup - no seriously, to the remark earlier about who gives up their body for the skin. Well, offer this for, say £3000, and see how many takers there are in the Indian sub-continent/Nepal/ Burma/The Philippines and several other countries......
It is a website but it's not based in the UK, I'm sure. Prices are in euros and US dollars, no address details.

Just checked and it is an Indian address.
Makes me think of exhibits in the Holocaust Museum: lampshades made from human skin, for example.
well that was a right dog's *** of cover.....
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I suppose different body parts could be used for making different articles, a woman large breast would make a useful shopping bag or maybe a sou-wester?

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Is This A Bit Strange Or What?

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