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Does Magnolia And Silver Go Together

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phleb | 18:09 Fri 21st Feb 2014 | Home & Garden
22 Answers
painted one side of living room magnolia, chimney breast will be wallpapered (do not know what wallpaper) and the walls on sides of chimney breast have metallic silver. Do these colours go? I like it, but builder just walked in and said it don't look nice...huh!


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It doesn't sound an obvious choice to me, but difficult without seeing it. I might have used copper/ pale pink with silver and it also depends which wallpaper you choose. But, most importantly, if you like it, keep it.
I'm the first one to say I'd have clumped the builder for for being so bloomin' rude?

Your house phleb, your choice how you decorate it- don't listen to anyone elses "expert" opinions.

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