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James Ellis

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Psybbo | 20:05 Sat 08th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Sad to say. Sandy I wonder if you knew him?


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I didn't really know him but we had a few drink one afternoon in the Club Bar on University Road. The bar was nearly empty after the lunchtime drinkers left but as the day wore on the people who came in sort of gravitated around him. He had loads of yarns and was, as they say great craic.
17:44 Sun 09th Mar 2014

The title, contrary to popular belief, does not come from the cars used, as in Ford Zephyr and Ford Zodiac. In fact, the Zodiac was never used by British police, whereas the Zephyr was the standard patrol traffic car (not the same as "crime car") used by Lancashire and other police forces. The term comes from the radio call signs allocated by Lancashire Constabulary; Lancashire police divisions were lettered from north to the south, "A" Division (based in Ulverston) was the detached part of Lancashire at the time around Barrow-in-Furness, "B" Division was Lancaster, and so on. Letters further into the alphabet were in the south around the Manchester and Liverpool areas. The TV series took the non-existent signs Z-Victor 1 and Z-Victor 2.
He was also in "Playing the Field"about a Ladies Football Team.
"Anyone remember D C Lockhart. Whose side kick was Johnny Briggs "

Certainly do. It was DCS (Detective Chief Superintendent) Lockhart (played by Raymond Huntley) and the series was "No Hiding Place". The series followed on from "Murder Bag" and Briggs played Lockhart's "Bag Man" Det. Sgt. Russell

My enduring memory of Z Cars was a scene where Colin Welland(PC Graham) answered his radio by picking it up through the (non-existent) windscreen of his mock-up Zephyr. The episodes were broadcast live and there was no opportuity for a retake. Priceless!
I didn't really know him but we had a few drink one afternoon in the Club Bar on University Road.
The bar was nearly empty after the lunchtime drinkers left but as the day wore on the people who came in sort of gravitated around him. He had loads of yarns and was, as they say great craic.

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