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Anybody Doing Anything

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albaqwerty | 16:08 Tue 27th May 2014 | ChatterBank
63 Answers


All I've done is food shopping which was quite nice in a twisted way :-)


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Boring day today, quick shop for necessities then home for a session of ironing. Got my washing dry, it didn't rain! Going for a quick shower and bed shortly.
Having a couple of days away with hubby in Inverness, fab apartment, been at museum, art gallery, shopping, fab steak at The Kitchen, walk along the river, now sitting on the balcony enjoying bottle or two of wine looking at the castle and tomorrow off Nessie hunting on a Jacobite river cruise.
No need to go abroad.
Worked 9 - 12. Waited in all afternoon for a joiner who never showed up. Cut grass and spoke to a friend and my son on the phone. See what an exciting life I lead??

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