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Two Abandoned Babies

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wolf63 | 21:52 Wed 30th Jul 2014 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
I am currently reading my Daily Mail (and fighting off the feline trying to snooze on it) and found this cute article. They look so tiny and vulnerable. I hope their mummy is okay.


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Awwww, adorable, just look at those little needle teeth.
They are so cute, it would be lovely if they could be reunited with their mother.
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I'm not sure what the survival rate is for baby hedgehogs. These two are so small and it is going to take so much work to get them to their fighting weight.

I presumed that mummy had taken on a car and lost. I don't think that I have seen a hedgehog up close but they are so different from any other animal on our bit of the planet. They are not not furry and cute but they are endearing and cute.

I wish them well

Not only are they rather cute but they're useful too,if you've a tiggy in your in your garden you needn't worry about slugs and stuff.
Very cute !
They have got the 'Awww factor' for sure - hope they make it.

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Two Abandoned Babies

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