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good with money

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trouble@top | 23:34 Sun 09th Apr 2006 | Business & Finance
2 Answers

i have never been good with money!

how do i change that?



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By being careful to keep a budget.

Two budgets really - one for fixed monthly outgoings like rent/mortgage, rates, utilities etc.

The other one for daily outgoings. Keep a record of every single penny you spend for a month.

Then you will see where the money goes. You will be shocked, I guarantee it.

Have a close look at your income against your expenditure. If you possibly can, put a fixed amount into savings every month.

Look at your bills - is it cheaper to change provider? If you have debts on credit cards, can you change to a lower rate?
Same with car insurance, phone provider - everything.

Boring and a grind, I know, but it will pay off.

I recommend this site to everyone I know:

There is a budget planner there too.
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thank you ethel, i will look at that!

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good with money

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