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Tower Of London Poppies

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MargoTester | 13:14 Sat 22nd Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
I've just received the first of my poppies! Much heavier than I expected with a very solid stem. You have to assemble it yourself - full instructions enclosed in the box. Apparently they are susceptible to frost so not to be left in the garden in very cold weather.


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Yes, I wondered if it might be too heavy. Although I could fill the vase with decorative sand maybe. I don't want to put mine in the garden for all the local cats to pee on!
14:48 Sat 22nd Nov 2014 email said January....but I hope it arrives in time for Christmas....x
Margo, that's really interesting, all the dimensions and stuff.
Like bednobs, I too am hoping to have the poppy head box framed, possibly in an all glass frame so I can put it on the mantelpiece with my other interesting bits and pieces. At 3" deep I wonder if it would stick out too much to hang on the wall?
I'm delighted to hear the poppies are on the move. I'm so exited about them. Mine is number 75,??? But not here yet so the order of delivery must be reasonably random. The email said jan/feb so i'll wait patiently!
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Ethanron - the black piece in the middle of the poppy actually fits over the stem- there are a series of washers which hold it together, so you would have to fix the piece in the middle somehow (it's difficult to explain) I am not sure whether you find anything ready made to house it. Although they are supposed to have been washed they do need a really good clean I left mine soaking in soapy water for a while and it came up ok.
Our order number is 126,*** so I think you're right maydup, entirely random.
Won't you just be chuffed to bits when it arrives though? :)
Thanks Margo. I guess it will just be a case of wait and see what can be done. We have a great framing shop locally so I'm sure if he can, the chap there would make a purpose built frame. I'd be prepared to pay whatever it costs to be honest, I think it's wonderful to be part of this :)
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That's really strange, perhaps it's not in Order number then. Perhaps I was just lucky.
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Ethandron - they would probably look better in some kind of case than in a vase which is where mine is at present.i will have to see it anyone locally can do it.
Maybe they're doing delivery alphabetically, I have one confirmed purchase and its place in our house is already decided, I'm also on the waiting list for another poppy, that's for my son's partner if I'm lucky. Just have to wait and see.
I haven't decided what to do with ours either yet. The suggestion with the tall glass sand is a good one and I shall definitely be keeping it indoors. Too precious to leave it outside for all manner of reasons.

When I went to see them I noticed the stems were all a deffierent length and a few had no stems at all. Again I shall wait and see what arrives.
How do you plan to display yours Corylus?
It still represents a life lost whatever the length of the stem.
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Don't think it's alphabetical as I am T. I ordered mine as soon as I heard about it so perhaps I'm wrong in thinking that the order number is your number in the 'queue'. I ordered one for my son ages after so it will be interesting to see when his turns up.
That's great Margo, glad to know they're on their way out. Ordered mine quite late so think it may be well in to December before they arrive.
haven't got one but suspect they are made from earthernware clay and so would have to be reasonably thick. most e/ware clay is not frost proof so they should be brought inside before any frosts as advised.

i'm envious of you all. enjoy them.

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