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Buenchico | 16:10 Fri 05th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Any interested feline lovers can now find a second album of my moggie pics here:


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chris, I wonder do you ever think what '' life'' was like before you opened your home and heart to this bundle of joy ?
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This particular 'bundle of joy' (i.e. Patches, who later gave me four lovely kittens) arrived at my house, as an apparent stray, obviously well fed and cared for. I suspect that she'd walked out of her house (perhaps where, for example, she was being hassled by very young children) and simply decided to find somewhere that suited her a little better. I was amazed when I didn't see any 'Lost Cat' posters about her!

However I still worry that I might simply have increased my reputation as the local cat-napper. (I had two 'stray' cats living in my house for well over a year before finding out that they should have been living in two adjacent houses, occupied by members of the same family, just across the road from me. Oops!)
Lovely to wake up to something so gorgeous ....thanks Chris !!

Ziggi now comes in at 5kg,though you wouldn't think it, the way he rockets round the house
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Hi Seekerz.

I tend to notice how heavy my cats are when they jump on me just as I'm about to get to sleep!
chris the cat-napper,,,,,,,,,,,, I will watch the media for any news :)
Or perhaps when they run across you when you are asleep !!! That's one of Ziggi's tricks with his pointy little feet ! Don't you just love them !
I love the one where they are all lying sleeping together. That is something that has never happened in my house.

They look as if they are very healthy and active monsters.

Frankie is 5.5kg due to being on steroids. The vet tried to weight Merlin but couldn't get close enough to put the muzzle on her.

Why are kittens so incredibly cute?

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>>>Or perhaps when they run across you when you are asleep

It's worse when they get under the duvet and decide to practice their hunting skills with your feet as 'prey'!

>>>I love the one where they are all lying sleeping together. That is something that has never happened in my house.

Hi Wolf63.

Patches generally tries to keep away from her kids but she will still sleep on the bed with them fairly often. It can get problematic though when all 5 cats (or even just 3 or 4 of them) decide they want to sleep on the bed at night-time. If I'm already in it I get pinned down and can't turn over or move my legs. If they get there before me (as has happened for the past few nights) I end up sleeping on the sofa again!
I tried turfing normally mild mannered Frankie off the bed a week or so ago - he growled at me and made a lunge towards me. I expect this sort of behaviour from her sister Merlin - but not my little boy!!

Cats are bullies - and you are living with five of them.
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>>>I expect this sort of behaviour from her sister Merlin - but not my little boy

I've generally found male cats to be more soft, affectionate and easy-going than females. Perhaps Merlin has been giving Frankie lessons?

>>>and you are living with five of them

Plus guests, of course.

Before Patches arrived two of my neighbours' black cats (whom I call LBC and Shakatu) had been coming into my house regularly, particularly on cold nights. LBC most definitely still regards my house as part of his territory and sleeps on top of my wardrobe most nights (resulting in a lot of hissing and growling from my five). Shakatu also tries to come in sometimes; he had a massive fight with LBC in the middle of my living room earlier this evening!

Then there's little Socks, who lives over the road. He/she is quite shy but still brave enough to nip in through the cat flap for a free meal when he/she thinks that the coast is clear ;-)
Chris I am so envious, I adore cats, my favourites have been torties in the past. I am still threatening OH I'm going to have one, he isn't keen though, but someday!!!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful kitties with us.
The picture of the five taking a catnap is nice. Contentment embodied.
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Hi Caran:
I suspect that, sooner or later, a stray will turn up on your doorstep and you'll be able to persuade your OH that it should be allowed in "just while it's cold outside". You'll then have a new friend for life, I'm sure ;-)

Hi Sandy:
That picture proves that can be occasional moments of calm in this house - but they're definitely few and far between!

Thank you both for your posts.
well for the non cat lover ie me....... I have fallen for the black/white one :)
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You obviously like a troublemaker then, Anne!

That's Chequers, who loves to jump on my desk and roll over on the keyboard and mouse whenever I'm trying to type something. (He is gorgeous though!)

typical........... a male troublemaker :)

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