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stuey | 02:38 Tue 09th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
"Enter Your Question Title Here". Why do we have to ask a question? I'm just asking a question.


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Oh dear. One more wobbly-pop than usual tonight, Stuey?
Question Author
There you go: another question; however, BlackadderV, you could be quite correct, couldn't you?:) Anyway, time for supper.
Who knows:-)
Question Author
Surely, The Shadow knows?
Work backward from "Answer".
...but I think the Little House knew something about it, don't you, children?

Apologies to all Bill and Ben aficionados.
Question Author
BlackadderV, if you could get a ladder we could have quite a game going on here.
Unfortunately I'm just finishing off my last wobbly-pop and then must wobble my way to bed as it's not far off 3 a.m. over here.
Question Author
Me too. Quarter to nine here and I have to get up at five. Goodnight...Nice talking to you people.
Yourself might not get to an answer, others might have been in the same situation & found a solution, Others might have found a solution but not the Conclusion.
stuey have your clocks not gone back in Ontario yet? 2.44 am GMT is 9.44 pm not 8.44 pm
Because to get an answer (the raison d'être for this site) we need to start with a question to be answered.
Franz Kafka - "So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being."

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