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I've Won £50 On Take A Break Mega Snap Comp.

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sandyRoe | 12:19 Mon 29th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
First thing I'll do is buy a €uro lottery ticket for tomorrow nights draw. Strike while the irons hot. ☺


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well done sandy :-)
Excellent news, Sandy. Well done and congratulations!

Well done Sandy, enjoy!
I have never ever won on Take a Break. Very well done.
Congratulations, Sandy...and good luck...x
Question Author
Thank you all. If the lottery ticket produces a jackpot my fellow ABers won't be forgotten. ☺
Well done Sandy
Well done Sandy. earlier this month I won £250 on a CHAT comp. I was really chuffed. ABers rule ok...
lovely. soooooooooooooo now would not be an inappropriate time to remind you. you owe me £45 ?
Congratulations Sandy, fingers crossed for tomorrow!
Nice one Sandy! I had a phone call from an unknown number just before Christmas and nearly ignored it - only to find that it was Aldi calling, I'd won £100 worth of vouchers in a newspaper competition! Yay!
I have managed to win two iPads and £200 in comps this year - other stuff too but these are my favourites.

Anybody use ?
Yay, well done. I never win, hrmph.
Congratulations and good luck with the lottery.
Awh, well done Sandy! Adh mór in the lottery!
Well done Sandy, don't spend it wisely x
Question Author
I won't. I've already spent £20 on a bottle of Margaux to see in the New Year.

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I've Won £50 On Take A Break Mega Snap Comp.

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