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Can You Remember

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TWR | 20:23 Mon 05th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
This Lying Government giving a promise to the REMPLY workers they will find them Employment ( Mirror Today) have they, have the feck, roll on May 15


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Is it possible to ask a question without invective?
Roll on May 15 - because unemployment was so much lower under Labour? I don't think so
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What is (Mirror Today)?
The question is: can you remember?

My answer is : No I cannot remember.
Yes, I remember!
Even had they honoured the commitment, employment is no guarantee of a poverty free existence.
TWR, the Labour government began the closures. I don't understand what you're asking.
And the Labour Party will lower the deficit, increase employment and no extra taxation....Dream on.

The road to the Wizard of Oz is not paved in such gold, but then the Labour Party sold that off a long time ago and any accrued since will go the same way, as before.
You think it'll be better under any other party in Government? I don't. They are all making promises from the same pot of money.
Hopefully Labour will tax the fat cats that feed the Tories
I don't think so, psybbs - there are plenty of rich people in the Labour Party.
Agree TWR - roll on 15 May !
Yes, I remember, all false promises yet again. Shame.

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