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How Could They?

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hc4361 | 23:23 Thu 25th Dec 2014 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
Alexsandr and Sergi have abandoned Baby Oleg.

Shocking news. :(


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I am beyond consolation and reasonable discussion on this topic.
23:57 Thu 25th Dec 2014
I has sends him a parcel and a comfort blankie.
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:) That's comforting to hear
and some hugs.
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I've sent him a box of his favourite bugs.
Devastated, sent some chocolate dummies.
A lovely thought.
Look at his poor little face :( How COULD anyone abandon him?

I suppose I will have to tell someone, my SIL is adopting Neil the Sloth of DFS fame yes the sale is still on. Some things are best left to nature, I think it is unnatural for this sort of animal to sit on a sofa all day however nice his adopted parents may be.
Personally I think it's a ploy to make us think they are abandoning him and they come back to collect him on New Years Day ..... watch this space ;)
Nah - AYG you can keep Neil the Sloth, I'd rather have Baby Oleg any day :)
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And Sergi loves him so. Hope is back on New Year's Day. There is only so much sun, sand, wind, lions, hyenas a meerpup can take.
All you unbelievers have to admit he is so cute. Personally, I can't stand the thought of him being abandoned. I will definitely give him a home, should he need one.
He wasn't abandoned, he was happy to stay.
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Baby Oleg isn't old enough to make that sort of decision :|
No, but his carers are and he was all smiling and happy when they left - he'll be OK ......
I'm in bits sob sob
Awful situation, but being abandoned on the mansion steps he is not wise enough to be left where all those predators could get him!!!! But I think he will survive and in about six months he will turn upon the steps of the mansion with his own little family. At least that is what I am hoping, sob!
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I hope so. He has already had a narrow escape from a big bird and a lion. It's a worry

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