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Soldier Refused To Be Served In A London Tesco Metro

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Dee Sa | 00:26 Wed 14th Jan 2015 | ChatterBank
69 Answers
apparently a british soldier in uniform has been refused to be served in case he offended any Muslim costumers, this is awful, why are we not proud of our soldier lads and the job they do to keep us all safe.


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Sorry coop, damned iPad.
How did it change from tesco to co-op?

Because Tesco's financial woes are worse than the Co-op's?
Dee Sa - I hope you haven't gone off upset, no hurt was intended.
I will always be proud, VERY proud, of all our forces. They all do a wonderful job and we should never ever take them for granted. They put THEIR lives on the line for us on a daily basis.
I agree janb.
What JB says... ^^^
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no answer prance I haven't gone off in a huff, why should I ? everyone is entitled to an opinion , that's what make the world go round LOL ! but I do think our soldiers get a lot of unnecessary stick, we should be proud of them and the job they do.
Changing the subject I am off to bingo, I won twice last Wed a grand total of £200 ! me ! good job I did not have a third win I might have been lynched in the car park !

Still nothing up to date on Google!
I'm proud of them too Dee. Good luck at bingo !

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