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Lake Ontario

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stuey | 16:42 Sun 15th Feb 2015 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Is on Fire! From my windows I can see tendrils of steam/vapour rising up from the lake. I guess there's a name for this phenomenon, but I don't know it.


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Astute observation, study… in fact the phenomena is a basic reason for the "lake effect" snow down stream at Buffalo, NY for example. One source says "...Lake-effect snow forms in the winter when cold air masses move over warmer lake waters. As the warm lake water heats the bottom layer of air, lake moisture evaporates into the cold air. Since warm air is lighter and less dense than cold air, it rises and begins to cool. The moisture that evaporates into the air condenses and forms clouds, and snow begins falling…" The phenomena can extend inland away from the lake for 20 to 30 miles…

Spirits up though, 60 days will bring quite a change, no?
Er… stuey… corrupted keyboard syndrome!
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Clanad, I'm not going to wish away time: it goes fast enough. As long as it gets above zero, I'll be happy:)

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Lake Ontario

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