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pede9466 | 16:17 Tue 24th Mar 2015 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
why do plates break in the microwave


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They aren't suitable for microwave cooking.

Or do you mean the plate that's already in the microwave?
it depends on the plate, they need to be microwave proof
a) they are of a type that can absorb microwaves and therefore the microwave heats them
b) they absorb heat from whatever is place on them in the microwave
c) the plate has been placed in the microwave wet and the material of the plate has absorbed water in places

In all these cases the plate heats unevenly and therefore it breaks
I use my microwave to heat plates and haven't lost one yet.Some of them are old and made before microwave machines were invented so they were hardly designed to be microwave safe.

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