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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:26 Wed 03rd Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Wednesday. Well it's stopped raining at least. Still horizon to horizon cloud though. The wind has eased off a bit. If it stays dry I'll tackle some of the weeds that gave sprung up. Plenty of them too.

Tiggy was out and back a bit smartish again. Can't blame him.

Have a happy day everyone.



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stop dilly dallying JJ...ask him..go on..ask him !!
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Stop prevaricating JJ. Go and say 'Are you going to marry me or what?'
minty has her hat ready, the one that she got at Christmas....
Nothing like being direct, why not "Will you marry me?" then we'll know who's wearing the pants
since Welshie revised his plans it is in moth balls...needs an airing...will there be chocolate ? Swiss chocolate...and men in lederhosen with big horns.....stop it you lot !
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A clod drink for you minty! Immejinatly!
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clod. duh. cold, even! :o}
oh up and aboot...time to get on with the day ..see you later..xx ta for the recipe boaty.....arrived safely !
minty, now just stop that x
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Wonderful, minty. Have a happy day. xxxxx
Hedgehogs on Breakfast tv, boaty.....
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I'm watching it DT. :o}

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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