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Spartacus84 | 00:03 Wed 03rd May 2006 | Body & Soul
4 Answers
After reading the last joker's comments I'd like to just point out I'M NOT NEW!!!!

Anyway, i've got some do coming up soon and its 70's themed. Any ideas welcome?!?!?!?!?!


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The 70s was glam rock!!

or punk or hippy

in fact most things went in the 70s

you could always dress as TV character from the time

Go as a BAY CITY ROLLER, haven't seen one yet despite loads of 70's themed party people staggering past me on the street. That will go down well. The scarves round the wrists shouldn't get in the way of your beer.

there were bay city rollers at the party I went to and a jimmy saville complete with fake hairy chest and huge jewellery and of course the trademark cigar!

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