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Teary Ennui

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sandyRoe | 14:22 Mon 08th Jun 2015 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
That pun just came to me. How could I fit it into a sentence?


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Teary ennui - didn't he used to play for Arsenal?
Question Author
The very same. And a good use of it too. ☺
Should there be an investigation into the handball affair with FIFA concerning the player...Teary Ennui.

Boom! boom. beat me.
sqad, shouldn't that be va va voom?
Question Author
No investigation necessary. Wads of dosh in brown paper envelopes have silenced any criticism.
Crying with boredom ;-)
I'm bore to tears.
or bored even
The conclusion of Sepp Blatter's litany of excuses was simply Teary Ennui.
Teary Ennui flicked through the television guide, before slumping down in near-terminal be continued (possibly).
after the teary ennui of the €5m handball loan, the FAI no longer had de gaulle to complain
Question Author
Ennui and De Gaulle, what a combination. ☺

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Teary Ennui

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