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Colours Of The Past Present & Future

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oneinam | 02:52 Fri 23rd May 2014 | Body & Soul
8 Answers
What colors best represent the past, present and future please?


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Using Doppler shift, approaching light (future) is shifted towards blue, and receding light (past) is shifted towards red. Light at the present will have no shift and therefore neutral. So past will be red, future red and now any neutral colour.
10:44 Sat 24th May 2014
Any from the rainbow will be just fine.
Surely it depends on what colour tinted glasses you are wearing?
Black and White (photographs and films). All colours of the rainbow - the present. The future is bright. The future is Orange.
Lol. Grasscarp's answer is brilliant :-)
Odd and interesting question. For me for some reason I would say greens and yellows for the past merging to autumn browns and reds for the present and then to white, grey and black for the future. Not too sure why I think this, but they certainly came immediately to mind.
Just sitting thinking about this, came to the conclusion that the future is orange, then read Grasscarp's post and realised why, bloomin' adverts. :-)
Using Doppler shift, approaching light (future) is shifted towards blue, and receding light (past) is shifted towards red. Light at the present will have no shift and therefore neutral.
So past will be red, future red and now any neutral colour.
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It was close as to who had the best answer. All are great and a good little community we have here. If u like my questions I have some very thought provoking ones.

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Colours Of The Past Present & Future

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