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It's just been on the news that a famous actress has been stabbed, I missed her last name all I got was her first name, it was Reese something or other, said she'd been stabbed, name Reese ?
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What do I have with this? Mrs 4GS want's it for dinner tonight, I've got the tatties, onions and a great big tin of corned dog but I don't know veggies to have as well, Any ideas? TIA
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Here's mine:
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Is it really made out of babies?? How many do they have to squeeze to make 1 bottle??
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Surely not for: /news/news.html?in_article_id=562358&in_page_i d=1770 to happen
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Why has it got a 'sell by' date' ?
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4GS ture=related It's the weekend folks, have a grrrrrrrrrrrreat one, Happy ABing and Facebooking, I'll be looking in on the FB group from time to time, so...
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I've posted that story in the Military section, read the bottom one first then part 2 or it won't make sense
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The following Friday night I got the female recruits to dress me up, make up, handbag, the works, the only thing was I couldn't get shoes to fit so I kept my jungle boots on. I got 'Diggers' to drive...
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I was posted to 32 Field Hospital near York, there was a pub about a mile away in the village of Strensal called the 6 bells. Every Sunday night they have a quiz which is notoriously hard (seeing as...
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Hi guys, I've uploaded an image of the group, How does it look?
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Boris Johnson for Prime Minister? He'd get my vote, he's madder than a house full of badgers and that's a good thing in politics innit?
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You know your from England when.... 1)Until england win something else you will always cling on to 1966 2).you spend October to March complaining about the cold, then April to September complaining...
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You know you're a Scot when: 1)You can't stop yourself supporting any team that plays England in any sport 2)"Scattered showers with outbreaks of sunshine and a cold northerly wind" is good weather!...
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Last night just before the Pennsylvania primary she had her 'vagina' shaved. When she went to make a speech the first thing she said was "Read my lips...... no more Bush"!!
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Until Jeremy Kyle yell at the top of his voice to a chav father "Why don't you get off your dammed backside and get a job"? The last two times he's done that the guys have said "But I do work"!!
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Happy St George's day from your Scots muckers: Did you know that Rule Britania was written by two Scotsmen?
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Hi mucker, looks like the AB team are going to let us have a Military Category stion554355.html
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"I WANDERED LONELY AS A CLOUD" I WANDERED lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees,...
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Not your AB username (you chose that one) but the name your parents chose for you? I've always fancied being called 'Algernon' after my hero 'Algernon Tarquin Farquin Sinbib Dinbin Linbin F'tang...

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