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you're really hung up on someone that you can't have, and you know for a fact that one day not so far away, you'll look back and wonder what you ever saw in that person, but you just can't wait to...
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With the Ex WW2 Land Girls receiving a medal for their services, shortly to be followed by a medal for the Bevin Boys. Isn't it now time for a medal to be awarded to the National Service personnel,...
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How do I become a member of the chatterbank facebook group?
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I just drank a bottle of Becks from the bottle, and now I'm having another. Does this officially make me a tomboy? Or are we allowed to drink beer from bottles?
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Why do people persist in posting nasty things-im only talking specifically for myself. I only post my opinion -I am never personally nasty to anyone -its really not in my nature -yet 3 times in less...
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Always reported , often copied , impersonated , but never improved on. I guess you either got it? Or you aint ? Ooooohhh la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa D T H ?
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aka pixi
what are you like when you wake up in a morning? fresh as a daisy and full of beans (gawd that does my head in) grumpy and growly, half asleep and dopey? It doesnt matter what time I get up (before 6...
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Why cut to the chase when we want to get straight to the point? Where is this 'Chase'? TIA
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The world's biggest arms suppliers are the US, UK, Russia, France and China. The five permanent members of the U.N security council are the US, UK, Russia, France and China.
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late this morning - having server problems with the laptop! Monday again but at least it's a nice one so far. Have a great week everyone XX
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lady jane
if i click on a freinds profile, and then click on one of their freinds , will anyone know i have been looking . if they are public or private. thanks
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Are you still alive from the death threats from 4GS? After what happened today if I dont read a post i start to worry and poop myself a lot. Its not fair legend making me worry. the poop really smells
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i mean is it illegal what are the laws on this
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Are women allowed into Special OPs or SAS (USA and UK)? I have no idea why this question popped into my little head. Thanks for any replies.
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can u tell me one fact about the spanish inquisition?
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Haysi, It seem I was 100% wrong in removing you from the CBOTW group Spaced is in the process of revealing his convo with Legend, it appears that Legend also created two new FB accounts and passed in...
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"Spaced" told me earlier today that you DID tell him in an msn conversation that I sent you details of the FB chatterbankers group names etc, however you have posted on this site that you never named...
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I look forward to receiving your apology as I did not do what you have accused me of. You have put this out on a public forum, so have the decency to give me your apoloy on the same. Thank you Haysi
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Re Facebook group. It seems that someone was in the group and sending you stuff to wind you up. This person has been removed and will never be readmitted. As the starter of the group I would like to...
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Thanks for the ice cream hun, grab a spoon! :) x

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