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Green Moss
I am taking my 3 boys aged 13,10 & 9 to London for the day & thought an open top bus ride would be a good idea - does anyone know which is the best / best value one to see the main sights? Or any...
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I strap a rucksack full of ghee and a few innocent fireworks to my back, get on the Underground and go BANG in a minor way and end up dripping ghee over the floor ? My reason is that I just wanted to...
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Do people realise that they could be paying more than necessary at the supermarket? The problem seems to be that discounts and "Buy One - Get One Free" offers are not always passed on to the computer...
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What, in your opinion, is the 'best value' supermarket. We have virtually all of them in our locality - but which one should we use?
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my son is 2 and a half and has been using his potty for about 6 months. if he runs around with no nappy on he sits on his potty or tells me he needs the toilet but as soon as i put pants on him he...
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I am in a real need of a holiday 21 year old female i want to head off for a week in early september. When i say cheap i mean under 200 pounds. just need some sun and smiling,but all this searching...
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My partner was involved in a car accident 6 years ago and was given a short sentence in prison. We go to the us 8 weeks on sunday. Should we apply for a visa or risk it? Will they give one as the...
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Hi, I am looking for a good late deal holiday - 2 adults 1 chid (4yrs) for 1 week at the end of August I have found 2 that look is in Malgrat de Mar (Costa Brava) and the other is in...
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Is anyone fed up with reading and hearing about "celebrity couples" ?One minute they are declaring their un-dying love for each other after about a week. They then get engaged, some have .... a large...
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Just been watching this on more4, horrified is not the word. The little brat smokes 15+ a day at 13. He goes to school when he feels like it and the authorities send a cab each day at tax payers...
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Why are my tomatoes leaves going brown at the ends,,just shrivelling up a bit, and one of the trusses is going the same way, I have been growing them for 40 years and never seen this before. Can...
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i wonder if anyone knows a good way to get rid of ants? there are a few nests in my garden but i have got them each side of my patio doors and they are finding their way into the house all the time. i...
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Hi there. I am sixteen and looking for a part time summer job. I have been looking on the internet on websites such as job center, doing a google search for jobs in my area etc. However all the...
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I am only 23 years old but I have so much that I want to do in life that I don't know where to start! I want to travel but don't really have anyone to do that with and also the money factor is a...
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I have been given no choice but to go part time at the end of the month. (not happy) can i get any benefits, until i get another full time job? i will be going from 37 to 16 hpw. my husband earns ?16k...
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I am doing up my nephew's original high chair for his baby due in November. It is a traditional wooden one, and I need to be sure that the finish I use is safe for the baby. Any suggestions?
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i am 13 weeks pg and have been under alot of stress recently with the death of a baby in the family and my boyfriend taking it out on me as he has no-one else i no he is not doing it intentionally,...
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Im at wits end. It makes me cry and feel like a right crap mum. I am losing all bond with my toddler. Hes nearly two and he drives me round the bend. I cant wait for him to go to bed. Hes slowly...
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its my son's 1st birthday in 3 weeks i have got him a few small presents so far but need some more but have run out of ideas can anyone tell me what they sort of things he will be intrested in in the...
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My beautiful 11 month old niece has gone off her food, and her Mum is worrying. Being her first borne she would like any advice from any other mums out there. My niece has been teething for several...

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