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I have received a letter from Tower Investigations Ltd, asking me to call them on a free phone number, they say they are acting on behalf of a client, but don't say who it is. I have called them to...
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Sir Richard
I have just attemped to put my house deeds for safe keeping at my Bank. Although ths is a chargeable service they informed me that the documents would not be insured. In the event of these deeds being...
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Hi all, to cut a long story short my company is currently in the process of making people redundant. at the end of it all there will be one clerical job left. I have six and half years service and a...
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I moved in to my property last year. It already had a water meter fitted. I pay ?12.46 a month on a fixed rate. My first bill said that this was based on an estimated usage. I dont feel i use ?12.46...
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Male equivalent to a nanny. I don't know if i could!
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Could someone please advise me..... My working week is tuesday - friday. Can somebody tell me, as I dont work monday's (and there are 3 banks holiday monday's), am I entitled to an extra day.??????
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My parents have a house in Florida that still has a mortgage on it, which they want to "gift" to both myself and my sister. It is both my and my sister's intention to extend our current mortgages here...
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How do I change from a morgage in two names to a morgage in a single name plus we are in an agreement for another 12 months to pay interest only how do I gat his name off the mortgage deeds
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I am currently on maternity leave and my SMP stops in the middle of Aug. However, I want to go back to work at the beginning of Aug but not to my current employers. Can I hand my notice in even though...
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I have a left over beef joint from last w/end that I put in the freezer. It was a bit on the tough side but I don't want to waste it, so would it be OK to chop it up and put it with the spaghetti...
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My wife and I own a property in joint names. I am the sole earner between us so although the mortgate is in joint names I am the only one paying it. Is it possible to transfer the house into my wife's...
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i currently work 5x5 hr days. i would like to change to 3 long days to save on childcare costs. can anyone suggest any companies that do this type of working? i currently earn ?12.50 an hour so...
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hello our two year old is not constipated, but tries everything to avoid doing a poo into her nappy, the hv suggested calfig which is syrup of figs ive given her 2.5ml this works only a little but she...
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why is the actress Tara Cressida Frances Williams known as Finty
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Does anyone know how I find out which side (re fencing) we should be responsible for? I have tried the Cuncil but they don't get involved. Our neighbour reckons we are responsible for both sides? We...
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My daughter has just been offered a 75% bursary for a wonderful private school in our area. This is a fantastic opportunnity for her, she works so hard and deserves it fully. However there is still a...
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If you're in the higher rate tax band, do they send out tax forms automatically or are you supposed contact them for one?
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Hi Can anyone advise me , my daughters ex husband , as his csa payment automatically taken by his firm from his wages each month, but on several occassions the money as not gone in to her account...
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How do you legiamise a child?
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Hi there My cousin recently applied to joinon eof the police Forces in this country. He completed the selection process but was rejected at the last stage as there was something wrong inhis...

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