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keith shaw
I recently downloaded Outlook Express 6 from Microsoft as an update from Outlook Express 5. Since this time, I am constantly getting a window appearing on the screen headed RNAAPP stating 'this...
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who sings 'eye of the tiger' (rocky theme) and what is the kings of leon song at the beginning of fifa2004?
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Does anyone know if it is possible to apply different default browsers to each user account in Windows XP Pro? I like to use Netcaptor as my deafault browser, but my wife prefers to stick with IE6. We...
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My brother installed a desktop theme, which has replaced the standard Windows 98 Standard loading screen (The one with the moving bar along the bottom). Is there any way to change it?
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my mum has an old mobile form the late 90's and it's about time she got a new one. Would it be best/cheapest to get a new pay as you go with a new sim or can you just get a phone a put the sim in?...
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Hey there, I know I asked this question a few months back but I need an answer again - Where can I get two cheap train tix from York to Kings cross for around 15/01/04? Ive had a look on a few sites...
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The other day I decided to check how much space I had left on my laptops hard drive. I was amazed to discover that I had used 25 gig (cap. 27gig). My question is this: What is taking up all the space?...
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Is this the most annoying saying that you've ever heard....or is it just me.....I'll get me coat then. I hadn't ever heard it till about a year or so ago now everyone is using it.....'well the alarm...
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I have a friend called Chris Hicken -- or in other words C Hicken. Geddit? Chicken?! What are some of the sillier names of people you catually know (rather than ones you have read about!)?
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My wife (a teacher) was on an outing with her colleagues (all women) and the Head (a man). They all had lunch and the Head had a cake called a 'fat rascal'.. He asked in public, in all innocence,...
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Where, what or who is Zouch, please? Many of the road names in Tidworth have exotic names, reflecting the Army link with the Indian sub-continent, but where does Zouch come in?
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anyone know exactly what is being sold here: I know it gives you free texts, but how is it done?
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How do i convert mp3 music files to wma format?
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Is there anything, apart from surgery, that will get rid of or reduce the appearance of bags under the eyes? I've heard haemorrhoid cream can be useful, but I'm not sure how safe it is! (BTW I've read...
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Is there any way to play a PS2 through a PC monitor as an alternative to a TV?
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I have a file that i can not delete. every time i try to i get the same message on screen. FILE NAME YOU SPECIFIED IS INVALID OR TO LONG. could someone please give me some top tips on how to remove...
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there must be a website somewhere that tells you where you can go to gigs for free, or where there are free promotions for stuff? Someone tell me!
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I dropped my computer from the desk while cleaning around it. All that stopped it from hitting the floor was the monitor cable (the adapter at the back of the graphics card took most of the force)....
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ebay pages such as this one promise to give you a company that can sell you mobile phones for ?20. So how does(n't) this...
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how do i remove the cancel option on my windows98 network login, so that when cancel is pressed users can still use the computer?

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