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Hi ...Our neighbours have been abusing us and harassing us for over three years now! The police have finally charged them with Harassment ..and as they threatened to firebomb our home ,and also slice...
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My ex is currently on judges remaind awaiting sentencing from crown court for ABH as it was referred up from magistrates court as there sentencing of 26 weeks wasn’t sufficient and also he was...
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I appear to have become a petty shoplifter over the last few weeks .I have no idea what is happening to me ,but i have been taking chocolate from my local sweetshop over the past few weeks .I have...
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My ex is taking me to court for £7000.00 .I am beside myself after all that he has put me through .He has been convicted of breaching a non molest and recieved a suspended sentence ,a fine and a...
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Hi there ,My ex partner sexually assaulted me several times,he was arrested and released on bail pending evidence.I have two witnesses to the assault as he wrote to them and actually joked about how...
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My friend was accused of a crime (rape) which supposedly took place 3 years ago. On getting the phone call from the police, he immediately went to station to answer questions. The police lady said...
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Hi there , I hope you can help me with this now as i am now super stressed and have had enough of this treatment . I have been barred from my pub now for over two years..I was involved in an...
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This is painful to recall ...but it needs to be asked as i am so confused !My ex was charged with rape .He admitted to his friends that he had assaulted me several times after plying with me drink ! I...
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My ex was convicted of breaching a non molest order with violence .He received a suspended sentence of 18 months, a fine, and a restraining order was put in place .I had a non molest order also which...
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My ex has had his sentencing hearing adjourned 3 times so far ..i eventually found out today this is for legal advice ? The court is aware that he has another trial for the same issue that he has just...
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That was closed by the police because of a mistake that i made :( Can it happen .....i have new evidence backing my allegations against an ex partner ..
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I wonder if someone can help, I was recently accused of 2 counts of rape. This allegation was made my ex girlfriend. I was on police bail for 6 weeks and was recently released without charge with a...
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I had my last period about 3 years ago. On Tuesday I started bleeding, it is quite heavy. All smears up to date and clear. Should I be worried?
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I have probably selected the wrong category, but can't find a perfect fit. Someone I know has forgotten/lost his e-mail password. He has created a replacement address and wants to add it to his...
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after my ex was aressted and charged finally after a year of stalking ,harassment,etc ...the police have admitted to me that they made several mistakes in that year ..the most obvious one been that...
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...what a pile of cr@p!!
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He works for the london underground and has just been found guilty of assault and breach of non molest order ?...
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My ex has just been found guilty of breaching a non molestation ,he also beat the hell out of me whilst breaching it ! He pleaded not guilty and the trial has just finished in which he was found...
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When you ask a question on the Ab, and you have to leave the site, how can you retrieve your question and any possible answers. thanks in advance for your reply to this question.

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