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Did i hear on the news over the weekend that the worlds oldest woman died at something crazy like 123 or 128 years old? Does anyone know a link to this news story (if indeed it is right!). Thanks
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most girls i know (not all of them ) but a good number of them seem to be into doing drugs or have some other problem or like to drink like this girl that i know from work shes nice and very friendly...
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How are we all on this beautiful sunny day, did everybody have a nice weekend?
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Hello, can anybody tell me if Raysparx and naz have left the site for good ? also Chinadoll,whiskey,wonderwoman,pippa,where are they all ?
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Help...... please. I really like my daughter's teacher (he has told the class that he doesn't live with his kids - so obviously not with their mum). But, obviously he could have a new partner. He's a...
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Whats your funniest worst date you been on? Why was it so bad?
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Whats the latest on his very poorly daughter? I have only read this news on yahoo website, cant seem to find this information anywhere else.
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Right, I've decided, after ten years, I'm coming off the pill! Don't want a baby, but just realised I've been pumping my boby full of hormones & I think it's about time I went au naturel! Fnd out what...
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My friend is so gullible and soft. How can I show him that other people are taking advantage of him? For instance his ex she takes him for a ride. Sorry if my question is rather vague.
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I like the star rating idea on this website, is there any other reason for them expect to show feedback to other ABers?
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Have you got any ambitions in life? have you fulfilled them or are you still waiting? If you havn't done them yet, what's stopping you? when i was younger I had 3 ambitions, 1) see the place where...
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Where can I find a website with 80's and 90's class songs, not necessary dance songs, but more popular and meanful lyrics. A to Z artists or albums will be great. I have all of 'Now' albumns.
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Is it possible to walk around most of St Lucia, as its rather small island or it is rather hilly? Any past experiences?
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Me n my girl friend are goin great and i wanna marry her thing is tho. that i been out with loads of girls an i think i truley love her cos with the others i haven't felt this complete and she loves...
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Its cold, wet and blowing a gale outside and I'm daydreaming of my summer hols.. (Lanzorote in June) Where is everyone going for their holidays this year? Is anyone going to anywhere nice and exotic...
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That's my question :-)
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My partner works away alot, I feel a bit uncomfortable sleeping in his bed while hes not there (the bed he got with his ex). Am I being too sensitive, as I would like a new bed to get this out of my...
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I wanted to go watch the football this weekend, a round trip of approx 240 miles. I managed to get two tickets but my fella decided he didn't want to go! Yep I know really ungrateful! So I arranged to...
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My friend, doesnt want to go out with me when I meet up with my university friends as they are students and have no money. Should I forget what the friend said this or question if this is a true...
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How much of your day do you waste online? What should you be doing instead?

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