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this is quite astonishing, had no idea they had their fingers in so many pies
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So was the I.R.A & The Leon Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party ? But then again WHICH body of workers are the Tories refering to ?...
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Yesterday was Estonia's independence day, and a large military parade took place which included troops from other nations including the UK. Why wasn't this reported by the media, or the parade...
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mikey4444 The DM may be up to its old smear tricks here but why on earth didn't Harman just admit that the PIE shouldn't have been allowed to be an associate...
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If you were treated with no respect at all because of you were not the most attractive, how would you deal with it? I am a 32 year old female, and because I am not the most attractive, I am not...
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According to the Daily Mail If the Scots vote for Secession they may be denied entry to the Eurovision song contest because application involves complicated criteria and will not guarantee admittance!...
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Couple lose their case regards Bedroom Tax ( Not sure of their names) Bloody marvelous British stupid law! Why, only this week basds that murder someone try to appeal that their H.R has been infringed...
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Im trying to find the name of a series that I was shown at school as a kid. I really don't remember much apart from the main charachter was a young boy and the intro video was him walking through...
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inspired by Sir1978's post, if there was a famous person arriving to cut the ribbon or some such event, who would you most like to avoid? Some answers from that thread are obvious lol, but for me it...
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What a shame for it's members, and just because they don't allow women to members I've lived in a northern town which had a WM club. Women could become 'associate members' (were allowed into the club...
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Well looks like the Welsh are finding out. In Wales, flood relief is the responsibility of the Welsh Government so no they wont get money pledged by English Government!...
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mikey4444 Apparently Clegg now thinks he can work with Labour. As he is likely to end up with less than half his present number of seats after next years election,...
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I have an intruder alarm fitted in the house, Brand name Infinite, wireless. No problem working fine. I have now installed a wireless printer in the house, Brand name Epson. Sincé installing the...
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anotheoldgit /// Criticising David Cameron for appearing to backtrack on his commitment to the environmental cause, he calls...
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What do you think of this? I was sickened by IDS' comment....
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Barclays Bank are set to pay out millions in bonuses to their employees it ammounts to 60.100 pounds per employee. Do we need all these bankers ? when the whole banking system is so electronic, Is it...
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In the UK. to advise on flood prevention ? What will UKIP make of that ??
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Is it possible for the government in power at the moment ,to divert all the millions of pounds we send to India and Pakistan etc, in foreign aid, and divert all this money to those unfortunate people...

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