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This is the order I'd like to see them finish in: 1) abbey 2) Sophie 3) Natalie 4) Susanna What do you think?...
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This is just breaking on BBC News - can't find it online. I'm...
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I know that the 'onesie' is something of a new phenomenon, so i am intrigued about the ettiquette of wearing one. When we decamped back to my daughter's house after her son;s fourth birthday party at...
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I am off for good - until last night I had not realised just how much of a clique had formed on AB. Its sad really there are lots of in jokes, personal nicknames and rules for one and not for another....
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my privious question was:- My nanna made a will in nov 2010 saying my mums brother was executor of the will and the estate (only a bungalow) was to be shared 50/50 BUT only if the benificiary which is...
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Just checking tv listings for Christmas week found Celebrity Mastermind 23/12, is it me or what? am I getting old is there anyone like me on ab and never heard of any of these people?. My idea of...
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Hi everyone, I'm needing a bit of advice. I had a building company come to my property to demolish my kitchen to the rear of the property, dig new foundations and build it back up so that they could...
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every year for years sent the above money not a large amount I might add This year with request was a pen b 2 Christmas cards c 2open ended cards d calendar e badge f wrapping paper what I ask is the...
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Girl has informed me she is appearing in the school's talent show tomorrow - I will now have to endure hours of awful 'turns' from other people's children. It starts at 1 and doesn't finish until 3.15...
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We've been studying 'unusual' instances in court and they are received. It got me wondering then - Making a joke in court should never go down well, but how about if someone such as a witness is...
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I was recently refused my medical appeal for ESA when I was almost certain I would win. On the specific report on me, the way the medical descriptor was phrased meant I qualified, without a doubt, but...
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one of the accused over Lee Rigby's murder has described himself as a Soldier of Allah, if so are there more who will follow his example and see this as a war with the west. The family of Lee Rigby...
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at you were and wonder how you ended up here?
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I have some odd habits when eating food. Nothing disgusting just my little ways. I really do not know why I do it and until recently never even thought about it. But over the last few years I have...
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Six in custody for attempting to fix football .It would take more than that to fix it .Its one of the few sports that has been took over by another sport can you guess which ?
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Apropos of nothing, did you know that Ohio boasts the first people recorded aircraft flight, the first man in orbit (John Glen) and the first man on the moon. In total the state produced 22...
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19a very new head of administration set about at work (6) ?o???a I see this has been answered in an earlier thread as sonata can any one explain? sorry if i`m too dumb too understand!...
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Formerly, an act ordering the enlistment of troops into military service 4 letters I have ? E ? Y Many thanks in advance, Taff Williams...
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Help with last few would be appreciated. 9a - No smooth backing in structure on bottom of ship (7) ??E???N 14a - Indeed so flipping unfair (3-5) ??? S???D 6d - Thoughts of top team as getting...
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Just watched a program regards Gatwick, a new ms asking his understudy why the person in one of the shops was not talking to the customers, this way they would persuade people to bye, what a load of...

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