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How do you cook them? I want a proper jacket, with lovely soft interior. Do I wrap them in aluminium foil? Do I do anything to the skin first? I have a double oven, one being fan assisted. Which one...
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Books per month do you read? x
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We have a topic going for annoying adverts, so lets have one about adverts that we like. I quite like the Halifax adverts, they're always interesting...
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Can you claim Incapacity Benefit if you are on Pension Credit? Not sure if they will deduct it.
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Can I just put breadcrumbs (bagged) straight into the freezer or will they freeze into a solid lump? Thanks
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Has any one had or have this? Dr has suggested I have this (all symptoms point to it) and is going to refer me for physio. At the moment (again at her suggestion) I have my wrist and thumb strapped in...
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Just ordered my first online grocery home delivery! It was really very easy, happy I don't need to face the crowds! We do a months shopping at a time, so it's a chore! Anyone here regularly do their...
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Hiya peeps long time no see, I've been an AB member for one year today - whoop whoop
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What is the only Olympic sport you cannot compete in if you have a beard? This is a question from the B&Q internal magazine.
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do they really go 4 the throat? and lock onto u? seen 1 the other day...near sht!!!!
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one of my orange buckets today, when did you last use yours
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Do you still have or collect cuddly toys or love going to the zoo or circus or similar?
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* SALAD DODGER. An excellent phrase for an overweight person. * SWAMP-DONKEY A deeply unattractive person. * TESTICULATING. Waving your arms around and talking ********. * BLAMESTORMING. Sitting round...
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REALLY quotable films? Like, where there are many memorable quotes in a film?
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Have got an ingrowing toenail on my right bigtoe and my god does it hurt!! Have had this problem for a long time and can normally resolve it myself but this time the nail does not want to come out....
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Jersey royals are still on the shelves I expected them to be shelved by now. I love a good old jersey royal with lashings of peanut butter and salt.
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Hi Ethel Hope you don't mind me asking you directly but I noticed on a recent question regarding ebay that you mentioned you have different accounts for different use. I want to set up another account...
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Hiya. When someone sends me a picture message rather than it just appear on my phone I have to go to the Vodafone website and go to 'get my photo' and enter a password - all very fathy?? Surely I can...
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I've tried ebays help people and they're as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Can you explain in idiots terms how I limit an item I want to buy to within 25 miles from where I live...I've tried...

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