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Just decided that after 4 years on here its about time that I got myself an avatar. After going through Gravatar and signing up Ive realised that the email address that I signed into AB with is not...
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I asked this in naomi's 'Atheist Authors' thread, below, in response to khandro's query. He did what all good religionists do and ignored it, so thought I'd put it out here. Religionists....WHY does...
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A GP is examining a woman. 'Your heart, lungs and blood pressure are all fine,' he tells her. 'Now let's see the bit that gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble.' The woman starts taking off her...
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. . . but having notched up 10 years on this site this week, I decided to take a look at the weekly news quiz on the BBC website (which I used to post a link to most weeks but had almost forgotten...
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This morning I woke up with a worried feeling after a dream in which I had sold my house and bought another house without actually having seen it. In the dream I was in the last stages of moving...
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Hi the clue is as above and I have ?P?a?d? thanks
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The lawyer says to the wealthy art collector tycoon: “I have some good news and, I have some bad news…” The tycoon replies: “I've had an awful day, let’s hear the good news first? The lawyer...
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So glad they repeated it on BBC4 tonight. I missed it first time round. A very relaxing programme as OH and I cruised much of the canals in England.
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Is there going to be an Answerbank Fantasy Football League competition this coming season. Sky Sports have now opened their free on-line competition - season starts August 8th...
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60 d,Recently Hitched (5,4) ???l? w?d?
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Am really fed up with all the local cats in our area. There have been four sets of new neighbours in the last six months and each one of them has a pet cat!! That's too many to add to the existing...
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What the heck was that about. What kind of an ending was that. Half way through I thought I was getting most of it. Has it been left like that for another series? I still had to ask OH who is that a...
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To Hell with it, let's offend everyone! I took my biology exam last Friday. I was asked to name two things commonly found in cells. Apparently "young blacks" and "Romanian gypsies" were not the...
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I'll be glad when this series finishes. I've stuck with it in the hope it would improve but it hasn't. The flash backs do not help. There is too much stuff going on to make sense of it.
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We have lived in Overall Towers for a few years now and as I am terrified of heights AND ladders, I have never been in the loft. Mr O has kept muttering about the amount of stuff up there and today he...
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We've been getting what I shall describe as low, rolling thunder sounds almost as if something like gas or petrol is going up, about every fifteen to twenty minutes since about midday. Thought at...
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Congrats Caran, I too had a win last week ,£100 in the Seven days mag one.doesnt it feel good ? The money spent on stamps is forgotten about, but glad someone reminded me they are going up....
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and gness's fabulous bird box, thought you might like to take a look at this parrot.x

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