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A biker appeared in court to testify on behalf of a friend. The prosecuting lawyer asked him, ‘Isn’t it true that you have been paid £5,000 to throw this case?’ The biker calmly ignored the question,...
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Olaf the Norseman is shopping at a supermarket when he comes across an old lady in a wheelchair, almost in tears. "What's the matter?" asks Olaf. "Oh," sobs the old lady. "I want to have a look at the...
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Definitely one of the easier weeks, I think, helped by one of those 'impossible-to-get-wrong' questions (where all three responses are correct) as well. So my score of 5 isn't exactly fantastic but...
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If you are having issues with your partner and he/she threatens to walk out - simply order them a taxi for 8pm on a Thursday ... .... then it will look like the whole street is glad to see them go :)...
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Dorothy and Edna, two "senior" widows, are talking. Dorothy: "That nice George Johnson from apartment 5 asked me out for a date. I know that you went out with him last week, and I wanted to talk to...
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The plumber said, “Why haven’t you paid the bill for the work I did for you last Friday?” Paddy replied. “Well it wasn’t what you quoted” The plumber responded, “I didn’t give you a quote”. Paddy...
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Nice 'n' easy this week, I think, which might explain why I actually managed to score rather better than usual, with 5. Any takers?
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Jno posted a link to the Guardian's University Challenge quiz on my BBC quiz thread last Friday. I think that it deserves a wider audience, so (for all you brainboxes out there) here it is:...
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Here's a nice, simple little general knowledge quiz that you might care to try if, like me, you're BORED, BORED, BORED! It's designed to start off really easy and get just a little bit harder as you...
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A Muslim bloke I work with was bragging he had the entire Koran on DVD. Being interested, I asked him to burn me a copy. Well, that’s when it all kicked off! Paddy caught his wife having an affair and...
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Fairly straightforward, I think, this week - so I'm expecting to see some high scores from you lot! Despite that though, I could only manage 4 (which is, I suppose, one better than I usually get!):...
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A reference, on another thread, to people using Zoom for quizzes suddenly reminded me that I'd not put up this week's BBC Quiz thread yet. So here it is. However, having only scored my usual paltry 3...
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A disastrous start for me this week, with the first 4 all wrong. However I managed better from then on, to achieve my regular score of 3. Still easy enough to beat though, I think!...
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A half-decent score of 4 for me this week: Brainiac has already reported his/her score on another thread but I won't repeat it here in order to save...
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I went to the Pharmacist yesterday and asked the assistant; "What kills the Corona Virus?" She replied, "Ammonia Cleaner." I said, "Oh, I am sorry- I thought you worked here..."...
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Good morning everyone - our run of lovely days continues, mild and sunny, with just a nip in the air at night that reminds us to break out the bed socks - it's almost been too good to be true - March...
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Yes, I know that I'm posting this ridiculously late this week but the side-effects of my chemo treatment prevented me from getting to my computer earlier on. I hope that most of the regulars, and...
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has reached absurd stages. I sneezed in front of my laptop and the anti-virus started a scan on its own....
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It looked easy to me this week - but it wasn't! After a couple of good weeks, I'm back to my bog standard score of 3 again :( Nice and easy for you lot to beat me then!...
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I hope to bring 2,000 cigarettes back to the UK from Spain. If I was questioned and said I smoked 60 a day(I don't) that would represent only a 5 week supply. Are there limits on the number of...

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