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Could you just pack up your belongings and move to anothercountry ?or continent ? i packed up and sold up and finished my job all withion 7 weeks from making the decision to go. that was 18 months ago...
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How's everyones body + soul?
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Answer honestly! Do you enjoy your job? Do you think you are paid enough for what you do? What would you change about your job? Mine is Yes No I wish I was busier and had more responsibilties..... or...
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Can anyone tell me the average temperature of majorca in the middle of October please?
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Going October half term - husband will complete PADI out there. Ideally some form of entertainment in evening and decent size room - we will probably be sharing. 4* standard I guess. Any suggestions...
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Hi! I'm about to jet off on my hols and just wondering whether aftersun is really needed? I have used it once or twice but most times I just take my regular body moisturiser. I'm looking to prolong my...
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I have fairly long hair with a bit of a natural wave to it, in fact, it seems to be getting wavier the older i get, as a teenager my hair was dead straight. if i load my hair with product i can get...
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|Hey all, i am looking to go to canry islands in a few week and was wondering if any of you have any tips on where best to stay or the cheapest way to book a holiday there?
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Has anyone stayed in Dubai with children? We have stayed at the Jebel Ali resort with our 2 boys (6 and 8) and wondered if there is anywhere else with good childrens facilities?
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I love a good film that makes me cry, that can really touch your heart, my top 3 are Hope floats Pay it forward Set It off Can anyone recommend any others?
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i wanted to find out whether anyone had/has celebrity friends who were a listers not has beens! thanks
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when nikky was there and she was concerned about the food and wanted to cook everyone was against her and stood up to her - now carol's 'food police' no one until tonight have said anything - she...
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*No one watches Bravo. It's an awful channel.*
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Are we not all alias' ?
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Hi, I wasn't sure where to put this question so I thought I'd just put it here. I'm looking for some original, cheap and lovely favours for my wedding. I don't want to be too traditional so that's...
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i had my coil taken out 3 weeks ago,im still waiting to get a period can i still get pregnant?? i had the coil in for 5 years with no periods.
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EVERYWHERE!!!!!! We're fighting them off walking down road!!!!!! URGH!!!!!!!
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Yes I am feeling chatting and some what nosey, so tell me something about yourself the funny and/or more weird the better! P.s If you sound too weird I will have to release my hounds on you lol.
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Do you have a pretty good sense when it comes to knowing other people? Being judgemental, as bad as it sounds, is human nature and unavoidable, although sometimes, it Can be helpful! So, are you...
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Mr Tall
I pulled the ceiling in my bathroom down the other day as it was bowed and I am putting in a new suite etc. Ever since then I had spotted and had to get rid of about 20 bees. I have been convincing my...

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