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We take Reeva to a doggy playgroup on a Saturday which is run by a friend of mine , a couple of weeks ago she played with two black labs , it was the first time I had seen them or their owners. We...
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We just had the Mandella ceremony on 3 TV stations......THREE.... from 9am to 3pm!!!! What are they going to do with all these world leaders from now until the funeral which I think is on Sunday?...
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B00 Upper block darker right? Think again! Hold your finger over the the join and look again :-) (Here's the science bit-...
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i was at dentist today after having pain in teeth, but after xray today it showed no infection . though my gums have receeded and swollen up, now in in bad pain. i asked him to give me something for...
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What is the average age that you receive a TB Vaccine (or at least tested to see if it's needed)? Thanks...
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I am just booked a three night break away, the problem is all the catteries are booked up and I don't have anyone to take care of my cat. My dilemma is do I leave him at home and leave a big bag of...
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youngmafbog Why was this man allowed to stay, he is not desirable to our country, clearly doesnt like the way we are so why was he...
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Anyone else watch this? I am obviously a numpty as it never occurred to me that 'brands' would make sub-standard goods to sell cheaply in discount stores. (I bought two pairs of Kickers that turned...
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Has she just, sort of ... Lost ... The knack, of ... Err ... singing?...
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Anyone get daily mail on download...? The plus version not free one...they are giving a kindle with subscription..
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I want to buy a very small amount of soil in one of those little dried disks that you add to water and it expands. But I can't remember what it's called or even what to search for! Any ideas?!
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For several years I have been corresponding with a lady in Africa. She has found this website and it says she can earn money through watching Ads. I have looked at it, and I don't really understand...
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/// The father – who, unlike the child’s mother, cannot claim legal aid – estimates he has spent more than £100,000 in legal costs trying to see his daughter./// What this poor chap has been...
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Why do people write happy birthday messages to their very young kids on facebook when their kids don't have facebook and the parents will have already seen them and given them cards / presents etc?
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No, not that you pervs! LOL I am after buying a new scarf for the winter and have my eye on a lambswool tartan one. I have been known to suffer from slight itching around the neck area before with...
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I'm sure this question has probably been asked before but what were your favourite pastimes before you got a computer? Do you find those hobbies have been placed on the back burner since you joined...
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I have some odd habits when eating food. Nothing disgusting just my little ways. I really do not know why I do it and until recently never even thought about it. But over the last few years I have...
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For the first time in my life last Friday I had anaphylaxis and had to go to A&E. They gave me IV Piriton and some steroid the consensus is that I've probably had an allergic reaction to either...
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Six in custody for attempting to fix football .It would take more than that to fix it .Its one of the few sports that has been took over by another sport can you guess which ?

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