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May I take this opportunity to wish everyone on AnswerBank, the Ed and 'back-room' boys and girls, along with all their families, A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR....
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hi today in math class our teacher gave us homework on stuff that we did already and i need a review cause i have trouble with math. i asked my teacher to do a problem on the board she said no i can't...
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Hi there i'm a long term reader and first time poster. In support of recent activities by the 2 radio dj's we've decided to have a peaceful protest at a location in london, i'm not sure whether i can...
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WOW!!!! Should we take any notice?
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So be it, we are being monitored so I shall keep my mouth shut or else no doubt I shall eventually be sued....
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Why are most of the residents of Corrie shocked at Tina's surrogacy? I think it is a brave and good thing, so why are they bitching at her, I just cannot understand it at all.
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I know its early but could somebody give me a kick start with today's crossword please ? American foods ? ...I can think of hash browns, burgers, hot dogs, and that's about it !...
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Embellish crown on top of pole (6) ???c?p
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It's nearly 3/4 of a century since the last German bomb fell on London. Surely it's time to move on. This new interactive map can do nothing but stir up ill feelings....
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granny grump
Went to see the play on Saturday - it is touring at the moment. I had no idea what the story was about - although obviously it was a murder. Thoroughly enjoyed it - a good start to the run up to...
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We seem to live in a age of abbreviations. There are thousands of them, including such as RCD (which can mean Rabbit Calcivirus Disease), PDO, TSB, and so on. Some I recognise, but those I don't I...

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