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Dom Tuk

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Dom Tuk
Why cant wives accept this simple fact of life. I dont fart any more than my father/uncles did when they were middleaged. I dont fart openly in public but atleast within the confines of my own...
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Dom Tuk
Is that what they are proposing??. Doesn't 8 bullets in the head from close range after a surveillance operation sound the better option.
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Dom Tuk
Maybe this would be too complicated for the contestants. How about this tactic. Everyone has to nominate just one person. Now the person with most votes will be up against that person/persons who has...
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Dom Tuk
A leading supermarket chain has a dvd rental that looks cheap. However they ask for a slection of 10 titles from which they will send you DVDs. How can i ensure that the DVDs that i want are sent to...
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Dom Tuk
How do the producers of the BB get various things into the house without being noticed. Like for eg all the equipment for the olympics, the large fake flame etc. How do they do it without the...
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Dom Tuk
What is a semi automatic car?
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Dom Tuk
Whats the best way to clean an expensive 2 year old turkish rug (red/cream/green cloured). It has been lyiing on the living room floor since purchase.
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Dom Tuk
When the chief of police says 'we will find them', how much should we trust those words? What has been the past record of the British police in securing successful convictions against terrorist...
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Dom Tuk
Our pet hamster has bitten the kids and both of them are wary of handling it. hence poor hamster languishes in its cage and the kids have lost interest (story probably repeated in endless households)....
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Dom Tuk
Makosi had a romp with Anthony just a few (3-4) days ago and now is proclaiming that she may be pregnant and has asked for a test. Can a test determine at this early stage if she is pregnant?.
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Dom Tuk
Was the american idol judge (black male) a musician on stage when Madonna was playing at live 8.
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Dom Tuk
Suddenly my IE looks different. The button to go to the previous page which was on the left of the screen has moved to the right. A few other icons like customise links freehotmail etc have appeared...
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Dom Tuk
The clapping of hands seems to be dominant form of applause all over the world. Are there any cultures/countries that do not clap their hands to show appreciation. When did this method of applause...
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Dom Tuk
House prices are very cheap in Hungary. I am seriously looking at buying there. Any suggestions on places to look and what not to do would be much appreciated. Any ABers with experience of buying in...
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Dom Tuk
Do you trust Grodon Brown to use all the money generated from his extra ?5 levy on air passengers to be used to relive poverty in Africa. or is this another money making scam...a la road tax to be...
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Dom Tuk
Here is a chance to make your predictions. The event should happen within 31/12/05. You should give the date and the location and describe the event. My prediction is there will be a massive (8.5...

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