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Just watched this with jet li and jackie chan. Very good if you like martial arts and chinese fantasy type movies.Jet li plays the monkey king and also a monk .Jacvkie chan is great as a drunken...
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When was the last time , if ever , that you bought a drink for someone you didnt know ? Couldve been as a thankyou for barman/barmaid or for a member of the opposite sex you liked the look of , or...
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Gonna get a nice lunch then watch jackie chan and jet li in the forbidden kingdom. hope its nice. see you alll later. cuddles to everyone. and i mean EVERYONE ; - )
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Just heard this on the radio and right away it made me think of gravitate. Well you know how he loves his japanese videos . Well cuddle up to this gravy. " A cuddle costs nothing but pays dividends. "...
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When youre snuggled up watching a movie do you like to cuddle into someone or are you the sort of person who cuddles into a cushion ? Alternatively are you far tooo sensible for alll that cuddly...
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Seems its very quiet here today , welll this morning. Has anyone had any unfortunate friday the 13th mishaps yet ? As i said last night rabbity and el tel fly home tonight , after spending the week in...
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offf to bed will see my mam and dad mannana before thye go home . Rabbitys staying in room 13 and flying home on friday tHe 13th. LUCKY WHITS E HEATHER LOL
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Yes i beat you lol. So say hi and bow to the ultimate . Lo ultimate what you may ask ?? Well if you do ur probably a pompous ass . DID THIS HELP ????
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When i met El tel i thought he reminded me of someone and after a conversation he said something that reminded me who it was.We were talking about stufff and i mentioned scousers .Well he said " i...
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Yeah im as surprised as you . Anyways went out tonight around 8 to meeet rabbitygirl and el tel for a wee meal. So after a wander we decided on chinese as el tel fancied it , and u knows im partial to...
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Ive heard that the geetar that jimi hendrix set light to at the london astoria 40 years ago is to go up for sale . Its been kept in a case in storage for 40 years and now theyre gonna auction it....
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Ladies if you were buying aftershave for a man would you buy a different one for a male friend ( nothing in it ) than you would for a boyfriend/husband/partner ? Is there a different level of...
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Nice day today , been busy , went for a beer at lunchtime , went for a wander around town. 33 degrees and scorchio. Hope i havent missed much folks? NICE TO SEE YOU TO SEE YOU NICE : - )
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time for bed. infact welll past it mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh be nice plz xx
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Watching programme on bc2 about a mathemetician called cantor who siad hed discovered how big infinity was. So howbig is it?
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Yet again another security breach. why dont they just post the stuff online and make it easier for terrorists? Is this a sign of an intelligence service thats useless now?
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Ok folks im gonna say alex. So whod like to have a guess before it gets going ?
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Bradders in eastenders. Is he just toooo nice ? Hes offered some rumpy pumpy with the blondeie who used to be in the commitments and after a kiss he runs offf without his jacket. Is he too nice or is...
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Well who do you think is the nicest of the finalists in the apprentice? Why are they nicer than the others? NICE TO SEE YOU TO SEE YOU NICEEEEEE

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