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he wouldn't ' PAY' the price. correction for below
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This is not a joke! A friend of mine fancied a personalised number plate. He wouldn't the price , so changed his name by deed pole. Found it much less expensive. He is now known as:- Abdul Moshe Shaun...
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Does anyone use 'MICROSOFT LIVE ONECARE' internet security suite, is it any good,can you recomend it, or do you know one better. Thank's in advance,I will say a prayer for you as payment.
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I am the treasurer of a small ( not for profit ) social club, and heard on the radio programe 'Money Box' that I could be personally responsible for any debts because we are not 'Incorporated'. Can...
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Does anyone know a way to transfir vinyl to c.d. without buying expensive gear? Thanks in advance.
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Two of my relatives are buried in the Catholic area of the cemetery ,this area is next to the Muslim area. The Catholic area is consicrated ground. How did the priest stop the consicrating spreading...
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Are candle burning catholics causing global warming?
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I have been to many family funerals and after the sad bit has been done, I have enjoyed the wake because of being with my relatives, which does not happen very often. I have dicided to have a...
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Can someone advise me. I haveOutlook Express pre-installed on my P.C. I have ordered a copy of Office 2000 professional suite. When I install it,will it interfere with my existing E-Mail system...
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I was folowing a white police van yesterday and on the rear door someone had written in the dirt :- 'No prisoners kept in this van overnight' Not bad, Eh.
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I have invited a girl from the office to dinner, and I want to impress her. I want to start with a black pudding and boil in the bag sprout sorbet, and finish with radish and prune mousse. My problem...
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Is it possible to have a six-sided sphere ?
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Did king Harold try Optrex ?
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I would be more interested in contributing if you had a section headed HUMOUR
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would the mating of a camel with a rhinocerous produce ugly babies ------what if
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why would a god seed the earth with humans and make some of them suffer, when he/she/it had the choice not to?---strange perversion ras

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