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Saw Lenny Henry enter an Irish Pub,to be told by the first Irishman he met ''We Hate the English. we might know an individual Englishman we like,' but,as a race we hate them.'' Any Irishmen out there...
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I was just flicking through TV channels and saw an Indian woman on "Deal or No Deal" putting bindis on everyone's forehead and it got me thinking. She didn't appear to ask anyones permission (though...
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Regardless of your opinion of me, which often only shows jealousy, which username should I use? Yes the ed sees fit to ban me every other week, but I shall return each time as history dictates. If...
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I was struck watching Prince Charles' visit to flooded areas yesterday that he must have forgotten his wellies. Why else then was an inflatable boat employed to ferry him about the streets which had...
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Baby Jane
I have as my screen saver Johnny Depp dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow. My male colleague asked me why? er durh !!!!
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Following on from a post below about Spiritualism I just wanted to ask AB'ers, not WHAT they believe happens when we die, but WHY they believe what they do. I believe that we simply die, and our...
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Would you vote for him ? I would. He is an absolute scream and I'm a bit fed up with Ken, honest man though he is. With Boris it would be a laugh a minute and even though he'd probably scrap...
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Following on from some previous posts about foreigners with rucksacks and jews and muslims im wondering why are the british so rascist? Britain was behind slavery,persecutionj of the jews,crusading...
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As is now usual, it turns out the recent terrorists were known to the security services and at least one was on MI5s watch list, meaning their travel movements were being monitored....
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Read this and please explain why he is not swinging.... ire/6260492.stm
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I have 4 weeks before a holiday - and I want to reduce my waistline as much as possible. I intend doing a bit of running and some weights but what should I aim to do about my stomach? Is it purely...
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I often hear that it is better for you to eat 5 small meals a day instead of 3 main ones. I also heard that you should never get to the point of desperate hunger/starvation as this means your body has...
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why is this the most popular catagory?? why do none of the other catagories get frequented like this one??? why does all the banter happen here?? and why does everyone post their questions (even...
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Me and my cousin are very very close and always have been. anyway last night just before i got into bed i starting getting what felt like normal period pains, thought a bit odd cause not due yet but...
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hate to say it but I TOLD YOU so .........................
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Do you let things simmer for a bit and then go off on one, or do you just erupt? I let things simmer and then i absolutely throw a wobbler. As I have done today with a holiday supplier...
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Was the wife of a British Prime Minister right to rebuff the World's press, when she made the following remark to them as she left Downing Street with the PM, on their way to Buckingham Palace. ' We...
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Le Chat
Would there be such a thing as religion if we didn't die? Is it the fear of 'after death' that causes the masses to need to believe in 'something' just in case there is a heaven and we need to go...
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For the past 2 weeks now, I have been suffering with bad acid indigestion - I have never suffered from this before at all - today its been really bad as such I have had a bad stomach ache and felt so...

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