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Who has had one of 'those' moments? Last year I was sitting chatting with my six year old daughter, when she suddenly said 'Dad, what's a penis?' I did a reasonable job of not looking like a...
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Hey i am currently renting property which i am leaving between january and march and i need to get the carpet cleaned beforehand as its a very light colour and covered in dirt and stains, i was...
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Right i am currently renting a house to which the landlord has sold and so i am moving a week on saturday. I have a rabbit at the moment he is 6 months old and he lives in a rabbit cage in our utility...
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Ive just took our mini lop house rabbit to the vets for his 6 mth injections and check hes never seen this vet before and she said he was rather large 3.6 kgs and that he should be 2 kgs lighter and...
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For the last few days my left eye has been *twitching* like mad - no obvious reason; I'm not ill or tired or have any problem there. Anyone got any ideas as to why ? I had a good rest over the...
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I'm sitting in my office and about three metres away is the guy that I snogged for about 2 hours while drunk in the pub on the last day of work before xmas. I haven't even managed to look at him yet...
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Is anyone else going to the Celeb big brother opening tomorow in london to see them all going into the house? Im supposed to be going but not sure if to go its a 3 hour drive, im broke, its cold and...
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Who thinks sonya off that eastenders is a dog? I cant stand looking at her, she is depressing...
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If somebody was born in a leap year on 29th february, when it is not a leap year what date would they celebrate there birthday? id imagine personal choice but i dunno?
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got my daughter spacehopper for xmas no instructions in the box how do we inflate it noticed similar questions on this site but no definite answers help
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Hello ABers, It's my B'Day and I'm in bed now, having decided to go downstairs early and start pulling up the carpet lol (I'm now ever so slightly cream crackered).... my new years resolution is to...
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my partner is on three different types of medication for depression. I think this (the medication) may be affecting his ability to acheive a good erection. any advice on how I brooch this with him...
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What were your highlights in 2006 in: i) Love & relationships. ii) Family. iii) Home. iv) Work & Money. v) Any others. xxx
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Did anyone get drunk and do something crazy last night?
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Just before xmas I wrote about what a complete muppet I was and how I bodged up my relationship, but was desperately trying to get it all back together again:...
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Has anyone else had an awful new year this year? Firsty me and my best friend/ex gf had a bust up over a bottle of champagne before we even left the house which was silly...this resulted in her...
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i want to have a party for my husband in october 2007. but i am not sure if i should book a room or hold it in my yard ? is there any way of knowing the weather
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would anyone know how to nmake it especially the choc custard.
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Mae gen i gyfrifiadur gartref un blwydd. dwi'n ddim yn gwybod y rheswm pam mae o'n arafu i cychwyn, ac eraill dyrysbynciau. dach chi'n meddwl dichon mae gynno fo feirws? diolch
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Hey ive noticed lately, it probably doesnt help that i have put a little weight on but when i have a few drinks (alcohol) when im tipsy/drunk i tend to find it hard to breathe and be short of breath...

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