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65) 1819 P M 66) 10558 M F L to S 70) 104 B F in C and B 74) 217 M L is the G C 75) 15P in a G F T at O T Any help greatly appreciated...
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61 1960 fwt 62 1975 ghk in pc 63 1906 rrmtfc 78 1933 wpwfm to fsa the w 86 1922 tvwp on t for b 98 1477 e the foc thanks for any help...
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Still stuck with the majority of these; Can anyone help with these few please, clues or answers 68 - 1757 F L B in G 70 - 104 B F in C and B 73 - 1963 THFBT to WCWC 79 - BTSL in F 81 - 1983 FDAVWSR in...
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will try a few more we may be able to get it finished before i go on hols 23 1780 wti the wp 28 1960 bswegm 34 325 de the er 43 1671 kcsw on w in the np 60 1981 lasos thanks for any help...
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1) 1979 T G W W P S C 4)1971 M R W P D L D T 7)1511 P E E R M held in C 10) 1977 F S K seen on I T 11) 1850 M S B B by S Thanks in advance...
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fisher &wife
1981 L A S O S 1954 B E O in C 7,036 M F H to M 1922 T V W P on T for B...
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1.Download these trees(8) 2.We had examined and tested(5) ANY HELP PLEASE...
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fisher &wife
1976 P A R G IN THE O 985 H of P at T of E T 1954 B E O in C 20 F H an I...
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1.Mix up and show pork in this building(8) 2.Wise man with one student(6) Any help please and thank you...
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1. Sounds like measurements(7) 2.Blames not in the east(5) Thank You for any help....
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1. Lubricates keys before crime(3.4.4) 2.He means to rage she decided(7.4) Any help please....
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This is just a quiz, not in a publication. Answers are names of streets in spalding. No no. of letters is given Clue 1: Young William's pet stinger 28 - does he find many heavenly golf balls here? 33...
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Can anyone help with the following please: 1) a bird with a young cat (5) 2) familiar with a female (4) Thankyou....

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